Avoid Performance Excuses
JADCO • Rich F.2024-04-05T13:20:59-04:00Reaching the pinnacle of wear plate success in your operation, doesn’t take massive amounts of talent, creativity, or intellect.
This may surprise you, but more often than not; success is earned by paying attention to the simple stuff.
For example; the difference between successful sales professionals from the sales person of the week…
… is identified by how often the mediocre ones use excuses when their products fail in use.
Their idea of preparation is having a good excuse ready to get them off the hook. It quickly becomes so common; it turns into a habit. What makes it worse is they believe that sort of behavior is acceptable.

JADCO wear resistant steel professionals would rather investigate your most challenging wear resistant steel issues, by staring down your difficulties.
Rather than accept premature wear as unavoidable, JADCO is determined to find the best methods and products to go around or through your obstacles.
Excuses start to creep into some people like in grade school. “Your dog ate your homework? You can have an extra day to turn it in.”
As adults, it often gets worse, not better.
The most common example starts with being late for work. If being late is part of “who you are”, WHY is it a habit? Look deep. More often than not, it’s nothing more than just a bad habit allowed to get out of control.
A salesperson ready with an excuse for every problem, customers or prospects stop relying on them and look to the industry leader. Even customers who consider these average peddlers as friends, consider their suggestions as a liability.
The problem for customers, is when the excuse makers attempt to work with the upper management decision makers; their attempt to sell the ‘widget of the day’ …those bad habits will cost them dearly.
Getting Away With An Excuse For Poor Performance, Should NEVER Be Considered Success.
In the past you have likely struggled when using AR400 or AR500 type steels, trying to fix your current wear issue. Let’s put our experience to work for your benefit and discuss a better way to go to combat.

Here Is How You Succeed By Partnering With JADCO:
As the leading manufacturer of Chrome Carbide Overlay (CCO) plate in the USA,
you can depend on the results you get from JADCO. Most steel distributors buy foreign CCO containing little carbide content, and even less quality control.
Our entire Chromeweld family of CCO products are made at our headquarters in Harmony, PA, 30 minutes North of Pittsburgh.

Never consider the Chromeweld ™ family of products as a “One Size Fits All” wear plate. Our customers are always looking to us for continuous improvement, and rely upon JADCO to continue to create new products, to address their specific wear challenges.
This further improves your wear plate performance results by having the Research and Development for these state-of-the-art wear resistant products. Each one is already completed and proven in real world applications, before you ever install them in your equipment.
You Are Not An Unknowing Beta Test
For the past 43+ years, JADCO has provided the longest lasting wear resistant steel to heavy industry. As the industry leader, we know what will deliver the best results for your equipment.
We pride ourselves to deliver “Walk Away Results” to you. This means we are both able to walk away after you install JADCO wear resistant steel products, knowing you will not lose any sleep wondering if these wear products will fail in your equipment at the worst possible time. Not with JADCO.
At JADCO, we think differently by strictly focusing on your results. Now you can understand why JADCO delivers better performance results for our customers.
Allow us to help you today by calling 724.452.5252, or email info@jadcomfg.com.
We will schedule a meeting with one of our local wear plate specialists at a time that best fits your schedule.
Remember, the only thing you have to lose by not working with JADCO, are your profits.