JADCO • Rich F.2023-05-10T17:50:11-04:00Purchasing is a tough, thankless job; never to be confused with ‘shopping.’
Purchasing managers have to be unequal parts: negotiator, banker, juggler and babysitter at any given moment.
JADCO understands how to deliver wear resistant steel that will improve your results.
Here is a purchasing professional’s viewpoint on how the relationship looks:
Every minute of every day purchasing must balance that fine line between paying too much for an item; or buying something cheap that likely may not last.
Not to mention trying to stay within budget while getting that last minute item on site tomorrow when someone neglected to ask you to order it.

JADCO’s entire staff is always working to provide you with the highest quality components at a competitive price.
“We take care of our employees, and they take care of you.”
That is how JADCO delivers the best value and longest life for your investment. How can we help you?

Eating lunch at a diner one day, I overheard a purchasing manager telling a co-worker about an interaction he had with some support staff.
How often would you like to respond in that manner? Most purchasing professionals say it is an almost everyday occurrence.
And you can’t forget interruptions by non-professional salespeople who refuse to recognize why you can’t live without their product.
At JADCO, not only do we understand the daily pressures you are under; we do everything in our power to reduce your stress level regarding your wear resistant steel applications.
We do this for all of our customers by assuring you’ll get:
- Open and honest communications.
- Best pricing up front, without playing games. Neither of us have time for that.
- Prompt responses to your inquiries and quote requests.
- Inform you promptly if there is any delivery issue.
- Only sell you what you need, not more than you require.
- Deliver quality parts to you, that fit without excuses.
For the last 40 years we have focused exclusively on delivering consistent, longer life for our customers.
Now you understand why JADCO delivers better results for our customers. We think differently by focusing only on your results.
Allow us to help you today by calling (724) 452-5252, or email info@jadcomfg.com. We will schedule a meeting with one of our local wear plate specialists at a time that best fits your schedule.
Remember, the only thing you have to lose by not working with JADCO, are your profits.
When your standard wear plate gives out, be certain to give JADCO a shout! (724) 452-5252.