JADCO Delivers More Than 4 Million Tons Additional Production
JADCO • Rich F.2024-12-02T19:43:44-05:00A major North American mine had been using two different competitor’s Chrome Carbide Overlay (CCO) plates for the side liners of their shovel dipper.

Switching their materials for dipper wear components to JADCO’s CHROMEWELD™ and QT-PLUS®, the customer experienced an increased wear life from 9 months to over 14 months between dipper rebuilds!
It was also documented that their dipper side liners fabricated with CHROMEWELD™ Nb PLUS exceeded competitor’s production life by 4 Million tons in a major North American mine!
YES…thats right…they increased production by 4 Million Tons by switching to JADCO!

After switching to CHROMEWELD ™ Nb PLUS, they increased the shovel dippers inside liner life, to 9.5 – 10 million tons between rebuilds. This is compared to the 5.5 – 6 million tons using a competitor’s CCO, when it needed to be rebuilt.
How Does CHROMEWELD Nb PLUS Differ To Improve Your Wear Resistant Performance?
Our mining customers were looking to JADCO for answers to battle their Severe Fine Particle Abrasion applications. JADCO utilized smaller, round dense Niobium Carbides, locked into the matrix between the larger Chromium Carbides. This provides you with a superior abrasion resistant product. This is how JADCO developed CHROMEWELD ™ Nb PLUS.
This above photomicrograph Was Taken At 50 Microns. One Inch = 24,500 Microns. The Blue Arrows Point To The Large Chrome Carbide Particles. The Yellow Arrows Point To The Small Round Niobium Carbide Particles.
Why Use Niobium Carbides And Chrome Carbides?
Carbides rarely wear out. What happens is the matrix holding the carbides wears away and the carbide simply falls out.
JADCO’s CHROMEWELD ™ Nb PLUS adds the smaller, harder Niobium Carbides to take up space between the larger Chrome Carbides. By locking in the larger Chrome Carbides, we are significantly delaying the wear. This is how you can double your CCO wear plate life in high stress abrasion applications.
Years of experience have proven the best wear material for the exterior dipper wear plates is JADCO’s industry leading QT-PLUS® alloy steel. It has the impact resistance needed to stand up to non-stop abuse in mining.
When you have focused exclusively on delivering longer life for our customer for the last 40+ years; you understand why JADCO is able to deliver greater performance for your applications than the wear plate you have used previously.
So, do you want to experience results like our mining client did?
Do you want to significantly extend the life of your equipment between rebuilds…reducing downtime and making more revenue.
If so, there’s only one place to go…
Smart Managers Turn to JADCO!
Allow us to help you today by emailing us at info@jadcomfg.com or calling (724) 452-5252.
We will schedule a meeting with one of our local wear plate specialists at a time that best fits your schedule.
Remember, the only thing you have to lose by not working with JADCO, are your profits.