Can You Drill Wear Resistant Steel…Even QT PLUS?
JADCO • Rich F.2023-11-21T15:22:20-05:00A recent customer commented about drilling holes through JADCO QT-PLUS.
It reminded us, that others likely have the same question or experience. When asked how his project was progressing, Ron C’s immediate answer was…
“I can tell QT-PLUS ® is way harder than my old wear plate, it just ignores drill bits.”
Please remember, you can absolutely drill and even tap JADCO QT-PLUS ® even though the hardness is 500 BHN.
You simply need to follow the correct procedures.
Here are a few things you should never do with QT-PLUS ® , and her are a few tips on how to get great results fast when making holes.
- NEVER use a High Speed/Air Drill on QT-PLUS ®!!
A good rule is using the same RPMs as drilling stainless steel, or half the rotational speed you use on mild steel. If you try to use a high-speed/air drill, causing the drill bit to overheat, and your QT-PLUS ® steel to work harden. Doing this makes it difficult to drill holes.
- Use the Same Pressure as Drilling Stainless Steel...
or twice the pressure/feed rate as if you are drilling mild steel. If you apply only light pressure, again the QT-PLUS ® material will work harden. This makes it difficult to drill holes effectively.
- Do Not Use A Smaller Bit As A ‘Pilot Hole’.
Start out with the correct sized bit for the hole you need to create. All drill bits are designed to cut with the full cutting edge. Do not step drill – starting with a smaller diameter drill bit and re-drill the same location using an increasingly larger drill bit each time. If you need a ½” hole and first drill a ¼” hole, and follow it with a ½” drill bit; the QT-PLUS ® will likely damage the ½” drill bit, chipping your drilling edge. Always use the proper size bit at the start, to save yourself time and money.
- Don’t Ruin Your Center Punch Trying To Mark Your Hole Locations.
JADCO QT PLUS ® is an industry leading impact and abrasion resistant plate.
QT PLUS ® will fight back and will quickly ruin your punch tip.
- If you plan to use a magnetic base drill – Always Do Your Welding In These Areas First BEFORE Using A Mag-Drill.
With the high quantities of Nickel, Chrome, Moly, Boron and Titanium alloys in JADCO QT PLUS ®, the magnetic base drill will create highly magnetic areas that will create significant problems when welding. These magnetized areas are retained long after you finish welding. This causes your welding arc to dance around, making a proper weldment nearly impossible.
Here is a photo of a shattered punch that failed when trying to punch a hole through ¼” JADCO QT-PLUS ® through hardened wear plate.
Thankfully no one was injured from sharp metal fragments flying through the shop.
If your current wear plate vendor says you can use a punch press on their steel, it guarantees your current wear plate IS NOT HARDENED all the way through the steel.
Here are Tips For Successfully Drilling Holes In Wear Plate.
1. Layout your hole locations and mark them with soapstone or a marker. As listed above, don’t ruin your center punch by attempting to mark your hole with a punch.
2. After you have laid out all locations on the steel, using an oxy-fuel torch; heat each hole location until the bottom of the plate is orange hot in that location. Yes, the plate is now slightly annealed in this location to be drilled. But remember a bolt will soon live there. IMPORTANT: This is one area where many people try and short cut the time required, and do not get the steel hot enough. This only makes it more difficult to drill your holes. A bit of patience here makes for much easier drilling.
3. Heat each location in sequence until all have been heated properly. Allow each hole location to air cool to room temp, before you attempt to drill any holes. NOTE: If you try to drill it while it still shows color (heat) from annealing, you will temper your drill bit, destroying the ability to make more holes. Let the steel get back to room temperature before starting to drill.
4. Use a 135 degree split point drill bit with plenty of coolant.
5. Drill the hole only once with the proper diameter drill bit, as mentioned in #3 above.
6. For accurate hole sizes, a hand-held drill is not recommended. Use a drill press unless there is no other option.
7. Once you have annealed the steel and drilled your hole to the right size, you can tap or thread the hole. Do not attempt to do this on QT-PLUS ® without first annealing the steel. Several have tried over the years without success.
Remember, QT-PLUS ® can also be cold formed and effectively welded, using the proper alloys and correct weld procedures. JADCO’s line of FUSION welding alloys for joining or hardfacing wear plate, assures you are using the proper alloy for your project’s success.
After comprehensive independent testing, QT-PLUS ® has been spelected by highly several respected OEM mining equipment manufacturers as the wear plate they use in their most challenging applications. We know you will also benefit using JADCO QT-PLUS ®.
Isn’t it about time for you to invite a JADCO sales professional to review your current challenging applications before your next equipment breakdown? When we review what you are currently using, what you have tried before and how it worked; we can help you achieve real improvements in your process.
As the leading manufacturer of CCO plate in the USA, you can depend on the results you get from JADCO. Most steel distributors buy foreign CCO which has little carbide content, and even less quality control.
Allow us to help you improve your hardfacing results today by calling (724) 452-5252, or email
We will schedule a meeting with one of our local wear plate specialists at a time that best fits your schedule.
Remember, the only thing you have to lose by not working with JADCO, are your profits.