JADCO • Rich F.2023-01-26T22:49:50-05:00
You have read several times here on JADCO’s blog ‘Wear Plate Wednesday’, that overall wear life is dependent on your welding control parameters during the manufacturing process.
As the weld overlay cools, Chromium carbides are created from the alloys in the welding material.
This control is critical to insure you have carbides present from the top to the bottom throughout the entire overlay deposit.
Like frosting on a cake, carbide content is greatest at the top of the overlay surface for every CCO manufacturer. JADCO focuses on uniform carbide distribution throughout the complete deposit.
The following photos clearly show that having precise control is critical to getting you better wear results. Notice the photos were taken at the same magnification, which shows the 200-micron size reference in the lower right corner. One micron equals 1/25,000 of one inch.
Compare the previous image to the following Chrome Carbide Overlay (CCO) product photos from two different competitor’s below. It is important to notice all the photos were taken at the same magnification.
While the surface hardness can test close to Chromeweld ™ 600, the wear resistance is inadequate, due to the lack of chrome carbide formation and little protection from abrasion. Isn’t it the reason you went to a CCO in the first place?
Above you see very few carbides have formed using the open arc welding process. There are few carbides and are not tightly packed. The weld pool was likely too hot, which prevented appropriate carbide formation.
This is what happens when unskilled operators are told to speed up production. In the end, it is the customer who suffers with poor product results.
This last photo shows the result from sub arc or bulk welding process. What looks like oatmeal is the pattern from undiluted chrome, which has not formed into primary carbides. This means their CCO plate may have a surface hardness with a high test value, but will have very little wear resistance in your application.
Both of the last two images are examples of poor process control, giving you a wear plate that fails at your worst possible time.
This is why we can assure you will get longer wear life from the Chromeweld family of JADCO overlay plates.
Seeing this proof comparing Chromeweld ™ 600 to other CCO products, backs up the technical data and “takes the snake oil” out of wear plate sales.
How effective is JADCO Chromeweld ™ 600?
Our Chrome Carbide Overlay is 14 to 18 times more abrasion resistant than mild steel.
Our entire Chromeweld family of CCO products are made at our headquarters in Harmony, PA, 30 minutes North of Pittsburgh.
JADCO has the most diverse chrome carbide overlay plate selection in North America.
As the leading manufacturer of CCO plate in the USA, you can depend on what you get from JADCO. Most steel distributors buy foreign CCO which has little carbide content, and even less quality control.
To make certain we deliver the highest quality material to our customers, JADCO created our own clad machines so we have total control in every aspect of our CHROMEWELD overlay plate.
For the last 40 years we have focused exclusively on delivering consistent, longer life for our customers.
Now you understand why JADCO delivers better results for our customers. We think differently by focusing only on your results.
Allow us to help you today by calling (724) 452-5252, or email
We will schedule a meeting with one of our local wear plate specialists at a time that best fits your schedule.