Better Fit Your Wear Plate
JADCO • Rich F.2023-07-12T10:35:51-04:00The best time to install a wear liner in any loader or excavator bucket is when your equipment is new. Measurements are accurate and the equipment will last longer.
We know… it’s hard to start working on a new OEM piece of equipment as soon as it’s delivered. These new buckets, containing A514 or T-1 steel, are made with structural steels, that are only somehwat stronger than mild steels.

Here a wear liner installed in a new piece of equipment fits like a glove. Always preheat before you weld, to make certain you get the moisture out of the steel. Notice the plug weld holes in the liner, which should always be located within 18” of each other and every edge.
Unfortunately, When Most People Think About Getting A Wear Liner, The Equipment Usually Is On Life Support
After substantial use and abuse, trying to fit a liner to a bashed in bucket can give you a migraine.

This excavator bucket bottom has been used to break up concrete so often the bottom was bashed in until there was no way to take a template from the inside. The bottom had to be replaced, and we took a template from the side of the bucket.
On the above photo, laying a formed piece of steel in this excavator bucket would only contact on the high spots. This leaves gaps between the liner and the existing bucket bottom. This would allow the existing bucket bottom to continue to deform, putting tremendous stresses on the weld seams, causing them to fail.
Creating a replacement bottom is the best option in this case.
If you have air gaps between the liner and the existing bucket bottom, the potential for failure is very high. This is due to the high loads and stresses these machines endure on a daily basis.
This happens when you continue to beat on the bucket and the steel deforms slightly. Earlier we said many of the buckets are made from T-1 steel. For a comparison T-1 steel has a tensile strength of 55,100 psi. And A36 mild steel has a tensile strength of 36,000 psi
The liner or replacement bottom made from JADCO QT-Plus ® steel, has a tensile strength of 225,000 psi. This means QT-Plus ® is not going to flex like your existing steel will.
When one plate moves and another doesn’t, the stresses are transferred to the weld seams and will crack, creating further issues and reducing the machine’s effectiveness.
Dog The Wear Plates Into Place
The correct way to force the liner down is to use a ‘dogging’ clamp. There are two basic types that do the same thing. They both require welding onto the baseplate and apply downward force.
The photo below shows one option allowing precision in moving the steel onto the base metal. This tool was made by one of my customers using a fine thread grade 8 bolt and nut.
These welding dogs were made by the company to hold the wear plate down since it didn’t follow the profile of the loader bucket. This allows you to push the wear liner down onto the base metal. It is critical to have the plates down flat before you begin welding.
The Yellow Arrow shows how the liner is off of the bucket steel. JADCO forms our bucket liners and replacement bottoms the best in the industry.
The White Arrow shows the plug weld slot with a weld bead to retain the plate. Always work from the center of the plate out to the edges. Only after the plug weld holes are completed do you weld down the edges.
The Red Arrow shows where the edge has been tacked down.
The Black Arrows indicate the temporary tack welds holding the dogging clamps in place. Always remove these temporary welds and grind smooth, to avoid having a stress concentration point where cracks can begin.
Here is a short video that gives an excellent description on how to make your own dog and wedge to press steel down. It also shows how to use the wedge to force the plate down so it matches the adjacent plate height.
The weldor who created this went to the hospital for stitches when one of the tack welds joining two short pieces failed and struck him in the forehead. This resulted in a lost time accident.
Don’t just take our word for it. Here is a response from a customer after getting his first JADCO QT-Plus ® bucket liner.
How Can We Assist Your Efforts With Your Equipment?
For over the last 40+ years JADCO has focused exclusively on delivering consistent, longer equipment life for our customers.
For over the last 42+ years JADCO has focused exclusively on delivering consistent, longer equipment life for our customers.
Now you understand why we are able to deliver better results to our customers. We think differently by strictly focusing to improve your current results.
Allow us to help you today by calling (724) 452-5252, or email
We will schedule a meeting with one of our local wear plate specialists at a time that best fits your schedule.
Remember, the only thing you have to lose by not working with JADCO, are your profits.
When your standard wear plate gives out, be certain to give JADCO a shout! (724) 452-5252.