Another Year Of JADCO Success
JADCO • Rich F.2023-08-09T09:48:55-04:00August 8, 2023 was JADCO’s 43rd birthday; helping our customer’s achieve success over their wear issues.
Most of our customers honestly didn’t notice, as the JADCO wear resistant steel in their equipment, kept right on working. Every day industrial equipment is turned on, it encounters wear.Since “Wear” Never Stops…
Neither Does JADCO’S Family of Wear Resistant Steel Products
What is confusing to most people newly thrust into the role of ordering wear resistant steel, is the dramatic difference in pricing. Because most steels look the same, it is difficult to tell why one is different from another.
They wonder,
“Why is it when one steel claims to be a ‘wear plate’ selling for $0.75 per pound, when another calling itself wear resistant costs nearly three times as much?”
It is easy to assume the highest priced would last the longest, but sadly that is not always true. Steel of the same size and thickness weighs the same as every other steel. It doesn’t matter which type of steel it is. If the dimensions are the same, all steels weigh the same. And every type of steel is priced by the pound.
When it comes to wear resistant steel, JADCO’s customers don’t buy a pound of steel.

The red arrow points to the line where you can see the wear resistant steel has completely worn through the protective wear plate. Letting the wear continue unchecked, the chain is now wearing through the base steel structure. The customer is now, “Flirting With Disaster”, since they are now only days away from a dramatic equipment failure.
Time flies by so fast it is sometimes difficult to recall when they last installed JADCO wear steel. Yet in the past, they had to replace their previous AR400 or AR450 steel every other year; where it was a constant struggle to keep it in service.
The Difference Between Investing In Better Results, And Buying At The Lowest Price; Is Much Less Than You’d Expect.
Being able to create wear resistant steel having the same hardness through the entire thickness of the steel, demands you accurately control the alloying chemistry with precise heat treating.
Doesn’t Every Steel Company Make Their Wear Plate Last As Long As JADCO QT PLUS ®?
The quick answer is No; although the attention to detail required at the steel mill in Pennsylvania is available to anyone. Yet most wear plate distributors choose to reduce the proper quantities and percentages of these essential alloying elements, to get a lower selling price. When you have to cut back on these critical alloys, wear life always suffers.
For over the last 43+ years JADCO has focused exclusively on delivering consistent, longer equipment life for our customers.
Now you understand why we are able to deliver better results to our customers. We think differently by strictly focusing to improve your current results.
Allow us to help you today by calling (724) 452-5252, or email
We will schedule a meeting with one of our local wear plate specialists at a time that best fits your schedule.
Remember, the only thing you have to lose by not working with JADCO, are your profits.